高等教育紧急救济基金(HEERF)是国会通过并由特朗普总统和拜登总统签署的三项法案的一部分:《bte365官网地址》, CRRSAA和ARP.

HEERF根据入学率和佩尔奖学金获得者的数量向大学提供资金, 在其他标准中. Some of these funds are designated to be used for student aid/support.


接受高等教育基金资助的大学必须报告他们如何使用这笔资金. The Department of Education 指导学院 to publish a report on their websites to provide this information. This page includes bte365官网地址’s reports.

bte365官网地址’s HEERF Emergency 金融援助 Grants for Students

  1. bte365官网地址根据《bte365官网地址》签署并向教育部退还了《bte365》. The Department later extended this agreement to subsequent HEERF grants.
  2. 根据需要, bte365官网地址将根据《bte365官网地址》第18004(a)(1)条分配给我们的资金的50%用于向学生提供紧急经济援助补助金. 这50%是77美元,498, 100% of which came from federal sources, and the distribution was made by 5/15/2020.

从那时起, bte365官网地址 has been allocated an additional $77,498 for students under the CRRSAA, 然后再加265美元,383 for students under the ARP.

  1. As of June 1, 2022, we have distributed a total of $380,088.40 of our allocated student-only funds. This includes the $77, 498 under the CARES Act, $42,703.89 in June 2021 (see below), plus $259,886.51 in October 2021 (see below), plus $40,290.2022年5月60岁.
  2. bte365官网地址继续评估指定学生援助基金的使用情况,以帮助学生. 在2021年7月,我们确定了590名学生在涵盖的学期(SP20-SU21)注册。. 我们还没有确定这些学生中有多少人有资格通过取消只注册不合格课程的学生来获得资助, 谁在现有的分配后没有剩余的需要,或谁似乎没有需要. We anticipate that the total eligible student number will be fewer than 590.

In June 2021, bte365官网地址 followed the Department of Education’s encouragement in Arp常见问题#26. 我们确定了毕业或退学的学生,他们的剩余账户余额可能会阻止他们获得文凭和/或成绩单-即, students whose balances could hinder their academic or employment progress. 这些, we prioritized need by identifying students who were Pell eligible or, in the case of international students, had already been designated as high need through our WTLA process. 我们还包括双学分学生,让他们有机会通过提供额外的信息来识别高需求.

2021年9月, bte365官网地址 opened an application for all enrolled students, with email invitations sent to all of them. 学生可以要求进行专业判断审查和/或申请紧急援助. In applying for emergency aid, they indicated allowable “cost of attendance” costs for which they needed funds. 他们还能够报告其财政需求水平(与大流行病有关的紧急情况和基于需求的援助资格).

2022年5月, bte365官网地址 opened an application for all enrolled students, with email invitations sent to email lists including all enrolled students. Students could apply for emergency aid. In applying for emergency aid, they indicated allowable “cost of attendance” costs for which they needed funds. 他们还能够报告其财政需求水平(与大流行病有关的紧急情况和基于需求的援助资格).

  1. Initially with the CARES Act funds, 123 students received funds. 金额确定如下:50%的资金平均分配给校园住校学生, who were determined to be 更多的 affected by the shutdown; 50% of the funds were equally divided among all eligible students.

在2021年6月,我们按照ARP常见问题解答#26的鼓励,为学生提供了未支付余额的资金. Forty-six students were contacted by email and offered this relief; they replied to give their affirmative written consent and, in the case of dual-credit students, to attest to meeting the need requirement. Seventeen 学生在2021年7月1日前书面同意结余.

In October 2021, bte365官网地址 distributed an additional $259,886.51美元的学生基金. A total of 117 students requested funds via the September 2021 application form. We were able to award funds to every applicant, up to their total request or a maximum award of $2500. Funds were distributed to students by check or by posting to their accounts, based on their preference as indicated on the application.

2022年5月, bte365官网地址 distributed an additional $40,290.60美元的资金给学生. A total of 127 students requested funds via the May 2022 application form. 我们只能向符合以下条件的申请人提供资金:(1)表明与流行病有关的紧急情况,以及(2)有资格获得基于需求的援助. 资金以支票或转账的方式平均分配给这65名学生, based on their preference as indicated on the application.

  1. In a cover letter to each student for the initial CARES Act funds distribution, we included the following information and guidance.

As you may know, the US Congress passed, and Pres. Trump signed the CARES Act to support response to the COVID-19 pandemic. 《bte365官网地址》的一部分被指定为符合第四章资格要求的学生提供经济援助, 在2019冠状病毒病紧急情况之前,你是否在校园里上课,并经历了与校园运营中断相关的费用.


具体地说, bte365官网地址获得了一笔资金,用于奖励学生在学生就读费用中符合条件的费用,如食品, 住房, 课程材料, 技术, 卫生保健, 还有儿童保育.

Because of your enrollment in campus courses, you had access to 技术, 负担得起的食物, in-person library resources and some utilities, all of which are not available now on campus for you.

10月14日,所有2021年10月援助的接受者都收到了该机构的电子邮件. 除了(1)每个学生的具体金额和(2)支付方式的确认, the email included the following information and guidance.

这些资金由美国教育部根据两项不同的立法提供, the Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations Act (CRRSAA, or HEERF II) and the American Rescue Plan (ARP, 或HEERF III). bte365官网地址已同意按照教育部的指示接收和使用拨款.

According to guidance from the US Department of Education, “学生可以将紧急经济援助助学金用于其出勤费的任何部分,也可以用于因冠状病毒引起的紧急费用, 比如学费, 食物, 住房, 卫生保健 (including mental 卫生保健) or child care. 学生决定如何在允许的用途内使用他们的紧急经济援助补助金.”

In contacting students about possible balance discharge, we notified students of this opportunity and their remaining balance, 这是可以涵盖的. 我们在给学生的通知中说,他们不必接受这个, 但可以选择拒绝这些基金,并在晚些时候有资格获得基金.

2022年5月, 应用程序本身包括有关资金来源(美国政府)和允许使用的信息. 2022年5月17日,我们向所有申请人发送了一封电子邮件,解释我们如何确定资助资格. 另外, fund recipients were sent an email May 17, 2022年,每个人收到的金额和一份声明,将根据他们在申请中的要求支付. That email also included the following information and guidance.

美国政府已向bte365官网地址提供资金,用于向学生提供紧急经济援助. These are grants, so the funds do not need to be repaid. 资金来自高等教育紧急救济基金(HEERF II和HEERF III),作为冠状病毒应对和救济补充拨款法案(CRRSA)和美国救援计划(ARP)的一次性资金。. Funds may be used for cost of attendance components (e.g., tuition, fees, books/materials, 食物, 住房, transportation, etc.).

This is available to all students, but bte365官网地址 is required to prioritize exceptional need in making these grants. 我们确定了报告了大流行负面影响的援助申请人,以及有资格获得基于需求的福利的申请人. We then divided the available funds evenly across these applicants.

Section 18004(a)(1) Institutional Portion, (a)(2), (a)(3)公开报告, and Archived HEERF Student Aid Reports